Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Year of Projects: A Quick Update

 It’s another week of where did the time go???  I’ve gotten out of the habit of taking 30 minutes to knit each morning.  That needs to change.  Just did my calendar for the week and wrote it in daily.  I think I knit maybe 2 days this week.  The good news is, I finished the Morning Coffee Socks.  This also allowed me to mark off the last square on my BINGO board.  Just in time for Bingo Board #2. Below is a picture of all the socks I’ve knit since June 1st.

That’s about it for picture worthy knitting. My poor gnome has not even been touched this week. I added a few rows to my mom’s socks and a few rows to my sweater.  I’ve started frogging a poncho I made (and won’t wear) to reclaim the yarn for a sweater. 

Taught my sister in law to knit and she completed her first dishcloth.  She came over last night to learn how to bind off.  Now she wants to learn how to crochet.  We’re going to go shopping next weekend and get some supplies.  She’s excited to learn about the different kinds of yarn for different projects.  

Plied this yarn last week. Im going to move my wheel into the living room. I need to try and spin 15 minutes a day. I’d like to get a more consistent spin, that’s not going to happen without practice.  


  1. That is a lot of socks knit in the past 4-5 months. I like the Morning Coffee Socks. They have great texture to them. How nice of you to teach knitting and crocheting to you sister in law. It is nice to have someone in the family be able to sit and craft with.

    1. I cannot believe I knit so many pairs. It’s all because of summer sock camp. If I was sitting, I was knitting socks! I have not knit so much in a long time!

      The texture on the Morning Coffee Socks is supposed to continue down the foot. It looks beautiful that way, but I can’t have the texture on the top of my foot. It bothers me too much.

  2. Wow look at all your finished socks. I need to be more like you!

  3. How exciting to teach your sister - someone else to share the love with! Your socks are lovely and I understand the need to try to make more time to knit.

  4. I love your socks. I must have missed the part about the bingo card. Was this a Ravelry thing? (Like I need anymore excuses to knit more It is so fun to teach someone to knit and crochet - the more the merrier I say!

  5. Love your Morning Coffee socks and look at all those other pairs! Wow! How lovely is that? Is the Bingo Card a KAL? It sounds like fun. How nice that your sister is learning so you can share your love of all things fiber. I love your handspun yarn.
