Sunday, October 3, 2021

A Year of Projects: Back after a hiatus

 And just like that, September is over.  Somehow with the start of school (homeschooling), searching for a new job, and all the other stuff going on, I missed a month of posting.  Sometimes I just don’t know where the time goes.  All month, I’d think about writing my post, and then Sunday would roll around and I wouldn’t get to it.  My knitting has also been slacking.  I need to get better at this.  I *feel* better when I get my daily knitting in.  

Anyway, I hit post on the last draft I wrote in August outlining my crafting plans for the next few months. Made some progress on my Morning Coffee Socks and am now working on the foot of the second sock.  I will be kitchnering the toe of the first today to finish that up.

I’ve pulled my gray sweater out and figured out where I am in the pattern.  I added a few rows to the sleeve.  Just need to finish the sleeves and weave ends.  Hoping to finish this within the next week or so.  We’ve had some chilly mornings and this will be a great sweater for this weather. P

Started some Christmas knitting with a pair of socks for my mom.  They will be my travel project.  We’ve been trying to get out and visit some local parks/sites so we’ve had a bit of car time on the weekends. I normally don’t do much Christmas knitting because I don’t like the pressure of a deadline, but I’ve got a few ideas for gifts this year.  So we’ll see how it goes.  

The last project on my needles is a mystery KAL. It’s for a gnome.  I’m currently current on the clues, but don’t want to post in case anyone is also knitting it.  I’ll link to my project page once I get it up.  (It’s on today’s to-do list :)).  

Yesterday I spent some time getting reacquainted with my spinning wheel.  I had to reteach myself chain plying.  It felt really awkward at first, but I finally got a good rhythm going.  I’m going to need to spend a little time each day with that.   


  1. Best wishes as you search for a new job. I know how frustrating and depressing that can be but I hope it goes well for you. I am thankful I don't have to deal with this new world of no response from companies after applying. Congrats on homeschooling. After seeing what my son is being taught as he gets his middle school teacher degree from a highly respected university, there is no way I'd send a child to public school. Not to mention even he is disgusted by the intellectual capabilities of his classmates. With the move to teach to the least capable student (No Child Left Behind), schools aren't much more than babysitting services. Love your socks. Definitely good timing on getting your sweater finished.

  2. I really like the colors you are using on your morning coffee socks. Glad to hear you were able to figure out where you were on your gray sweater. I commend you on homeschooling. What is being taught (or not taught) in schools today is very disturbing to me. So glad my children are all grown and their children are almost all graduated too. Good luck on the job hunt. You are going to be a busy person.

  3. I like a good mystery gnome! Your cardigan looks lovely I'm sure you will have it done in no time.

  4. Your cardigan does indeed look perfect for fall weather! I really like the color combo on all your socks too.

  5. I really like the morning coffee socks and your sweater is really nice. Good luck on the job search and the homeschooling.
    the yarn you are spinning is so pretty. You get a lot done for all you have to do! Enjoy your week!

  6. I am on the gnome KAL too. She is almost done. Can't wait to see yours.

  7. I will look forward to seeing yours and Mary-Anne’s gnomes once they are finished. I keep thinking about joining in. I’m late catching up from last week so you no doubt have made more progress. The jumper looks great.
