Sunday, August 1, 2021

A Year of Projects 5/52

 Just a quick update. We’ve been out doing yard work all morning and now I need to get some errands done.  It’s still all about socks here :)

I’ve got a completed pair, as my daughter decided she wants to try tube socks.  

I’ve mostly been working on the stripey socks and my Shark Week socks.  One stripey sock is ready for a heel. I need to finish the other. My shark week sock will be my focus this week as Knitty Natty is running a second sock knit along.  


I didn’t really do too much on the Morning Coffee Socks or the Bomb Pop Socks.  Maybe a few rows each.

I look forward to checking out what everyone has been up to this week!


  1. Love your "cammo" with yellow toes and cuffs socks and of course I love your striped socks. I can't imagine having 5 pairs of socks going!

    1. Thank you. I dyed the yarn years ago, finally getting to using it :). Right now having so ,Amy pairs is keeping me motivated. I haven’t been this productive in quite some time, so I’m just going with it!

  2. As I have said many times - you are a sock knitting queen! I manage two socks of the same pair at a time, but can't imagine having as many on the go as you do! I bow to your sock knitting mojo!

    1. I really think it’s “camp”. I have not spent this much time knitting in a long time. I’m enjoying it.

  3. You deserve a prize for quickest, mostest sock knitting, I do believe. They are all terrific!

    1. You should see what some of the others are doing in camp. I’m a slowpoke! Lol. But its more than I’ve done in a long time. Works for me :)

  4. You have a sock-a-palloosa going on there! They are all lovely!

  5. Loads of fun sock projects! They all look great!

  6. Gosh, tube socks brings back memories of years gone by. Those colors on the tube socks are great together. You have so many socks going and manage to get so much done each week on each of them. I am impressed.
